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What is


"Sanctified Healing allows you to reach your optimum potential and live the life you always imagined through the purification of your mind, body and soul"


Within everyones genetic code there is a blueprint for a perfect skull shape and size, most people however never achieve this because of birth traumas, nutritional deficiencies, poor dental work, poor posture, chronic toxemia or accidents, and illness. Our advanced Chirothesia process can restore your skull shape to its optimal design allowing you to function at your best. The way we function matches our structure and through our sanctified healing process it can be improved in the most efficient way.


Chirothesia, bone-setting and laying-on-of-hands are traditional cumulative treatment processes that involve controlled releases of the connective tissue tension patterns -- resulting from physical, emotional and spiritual traumas -- they heal by unwinding the mind, body and soul. We optimize the person by bringing them closer and closer towards that person's original god given design. Utilizing careful analysis of the body’s "proprioception" (patterns of balance) we are able to determine the precise areas of the structure needing to be unlocked at that given moment. Our patrons are re-evaluated each visit for the optimal long-term outcome. We believe that the true optimization of a human being can only be made through the purification of:

1)our mental thoughts through guided counsel, discussion and confession

2)our internal organs with nutrition and naturopathy

3)our spiritual bodies through baptism, anointment and atonement and,

4)our physical bodies using our proprietary Chirothesia methods


Our methods are best when scheduled for four one hour treatments on consecutive days making up an individual series.


Repeat treatment series are encouraged until the initial complaint(s) are corrected. Then if desired we can move on to the optimization approach to bring upon greater physical, mental and spiritual development.


Knights Hospitaller Point of Care

How does our Chirothesia methods differ from that of other healing modalities?

We incorporated many different methods to create a "super treatment." Our direct body of knowledge preserved by our church spans more that last 2,000+ years. Priests in the times of Christendom were the purveyors of all knowledge because of widespread illiteracy. The Eastern Catholic Church in particular spread across many cultures in the world and adopted their native indigenous medicines and cultures blending them together with Greek, Roman and Catholic philosophies. The recent significance is in the development of NeuroCranial Restructuring in 1994 by the Howell family which the Church adopted into the sacred texts in 2019. Our Church and the Sacred Medical Order now are known as the protectors of what is the most advanced and necessary hands-on therapy in the world. It is a process that anyone can go through no matter their age, ethnicity, religious beliefs or status of health.

What was NeuroCranial Restructuring?

NCR® represented a paradigm shift in healing that moved way from more symptom driven therapies that only provided brief, temporary relief at best. It was an approach that routinely addressed the root cause of illness, pain patterns and dysfunction. Traditional physical healing techniques and conventional allopathic care have a very low success rate at treating musculoskeletal problems and pain patterns resulting from injuries, even with the latest drugs and surguries nor do they provide an actual cure for any ailment. Oftentimes they leave the patient no better off or worse than before they were treated. They completely lack an understanding of the mind, body and soul connection and overly rely on data. However, their patients represent so much more than numbers on a page. Our approach is to assess the whole person, not just the area causing pain or dysfunction. The cranium is often ignored by physicians, chiropractors and osteopaths as merely a "box" which protects the brain. They do not they seem to have an idea as to it's significance in relation to gravity and how stable or unstable the whole body's structure is. Only when this stability or pattern of instability has been assessed can an effective plan be established in order to restore stability to the mind, body and soul.

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